One Watershed, One Plan
The purpose of the One Watershed, One Plan program is to develop comprehensive watershed management plans that:
- align local water planning purposes and procedures under this chapter and chapters 103C and 103D on watershed boundaries to create a systematic, watershed-wide, science-based approach to watershed management;
- acknowledge and build off existing local government structure, water plan services, and local capacity;
- incorporate and make use of data and information, including watershed restoration and protection strategies under section 114D.26;
- solicit input and engage experts from agencies, citizens, and stakeholder groups; focus on implementation of prioritized and targeted actions capable of achieving measurable progress; and
- serve as a substitute for a comprehensive plan, local water management plan, or watershed management plan developed or amended, approved, and adopted, according to chapter 103B, 103C or 103D.

Minneosta River - Mankato
The Minnesota River - Mankato Watershed planning area consists of partnerships between local elected leaders and conservation professionals. The partnership is in the process of developing a comprehensive watershed management plan that encompasses the entire planning area.
According to Minnesota Statutes §103B.801, comprehensive watershed management plans must address:
- Surface water and ground water quality protection, restoration, and improvement, including prevention of erosion and soil transport into surface water systems
- Restoration, protection, and preservation of natural surface water and groundwater storage and retention systems
- Promotion of groundwater recharge
- Minimization of public capital expenditures needed to correct flooding and water quality problems
- Wetland enhancement, restoration, and establishment
- Identification of priority areas for riparian zone management and buffers
- Protection and enhancement of fish and wildlife habitat and water recreational facilities
The Minnesota River - Mankato partnership was awarded a planning grant from the Board of Water & Soil Resources through the One Watershed, One Plan Program to develop this plan.
Lower Minnesota River East
The Lower MN River East Watershed planning area consists of partnerships between local elected leaders and conservation professionals. The goals of the partnership incudes water resource protection, education and outreach, public input implementation and assist with statewide programs.
Participating organizations include:

- Le Sueur County
- Le Sueur County SWCD
- Rice County
- Rice SWCD
- Scott SWCD
The Lower MN River East Watershed currenty has the draft plan of the Lower Minnesota River East Comprehensive Management Plan out. The draft plan can be found on the Lower Minnesota River East Watershed's webpage.
The Lower MN River East partnership was awarded a planning grant from the Board of Water & Soil Resources through the One Watershed, One Plan Program to develop this plan. Once the comprehensive watershed plan is approved, and the implementation phase starts, funding will be available to landowners within the watershed to use for approved projects.
Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization
The Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (CRWJPO) was created in 2016 to serve the goal of developing and implementing the Cannon River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. The plan is a document developed with input from stakeholders across the watershed and provides a road map for implementing conservation practices to meet water quality and natural resource management goals for the Cannon River and many lakes and streams within the boundaries of the watershed. Included in the Cannon plan is the Vermillion River watershed within Goodhue County. Click HERE for the CRWJPO website.
The Cannon River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan was developed through the Cannon River One Watershed, One Plan planning process with the Minnesota Board of Soil & Water Resources. The organization will receive Clean Water Funds from the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, which will be given to the CRWJPO every two years by BWSR to work towards the plan’s water quality goals.

Participating organizations include:
- Dakota County
- Dakota SWCD
- Goodhue County
- Goodhue SWCD
- Le Sueur County
- Le Sueur County SWCD
- Rice County
- Rice SWCD
- Steele County
- Steele SWCD
- Waseca County
- Waseca SWCD
- Belle Creek Watershed District
- North Cannon Watershed Management Organization